ARCHIEVING THE INTERNET - SAVING HISTORY. These links point to two articles focused on preserving Internet content. One is from Pew Research Center, titled, "When Online Content Disappears". The second is an interview with Mark Graham, director of the Wayback Machine at the Internet Archive, titled "Saving the first draft of history." Everything in this web library will potentially be lost in a few years if a simple solution to the questions these articles pose is not found.
A CHICAGOAN’S INTRODUCTION TO CIVIC TECH — 2018 From the web site: "This guide is a broad overview of civic tech communities & resources in Chicago to help with your role as civic leader and organizer (whether that role is ongoing or newly minted)."
AGGH! MILLIONS OF WINDOWS 10 PCS CAN'T BE UPGRADED AFTER 2025 - WHAT DO YOU DO? Microsoft is introducing a new Windows 11 operating system in October 2024 and that's a disaster for millions who operate PCs with older operating systems. This article offers some options.
AN ARTICLE ABOUT WEB3 AND WHY IT MATTERS - 2022 ARTICLE This article offers an overview of Web3 technologies, including blockchain, distributed ledgers, smart chains, and more. If you've been reading about these technologies this is a good article to begin some deeper learning. ARTICLES AND HOW-TOS ON TECH SOUP SITE This 2011 article about Association Management Tools is just one of many articles on Tech Soup that you can use to support your organization's work. BROADBAND ACCESS POLICY - NEW COMPENDIUM OF RESOURCES (2015) This study "helps state-level policy makers think through their broadband policy choices while pointing to real examples from progress made in efforts from Maine to California." BROADBAND ILLINOIS From the web site: "The Partnership for a Connected Illinois (PCI) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Springfield, Illinois. PCI seeks to advance the deployment and adoption of high-speed internet services and information technology which has resulted in enhanced economic development and public safety for Illinois' communities, improved healthcare and educational opportunities and a better quality of life for the state's residents." BROADBAND LAND - ON-GOING SERIES ABOUT DIGITAL DIVIDE From the web: "For the last several months (of 2017), Motherboard has been chronicling the myriad ways communities passed over by big telecom have built their own internet networks or have partnered with small ISPs who have committed to protecting net neutrality to bring affordable high speed internet to towns and cities across the country." BUILDING OUR OWN INTERNET - ARTICLE This article describes work being done in many places to create a new Internet, free of corporate and/or political control and interference. Bookmark the site and use it for future reference. CAXY, INC - WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT From the web site: "Caxy Interactive is a web design and development firm in Chicago specializing in User Experience and Agile-driven software and technology development. We love helping clients break new ground, find new customers, and engage the ones they already have in unexpected ways." CENTER FOR NEIGHBORHOOD TECHNOLOGY From the web site: "The Center for Neighborhood Technology is a nonprofit research and advocacy organization committed to improving urban economies and environments across the United States. We do this through innovation and by researching and analyzing urban problems, testing and promoting economically efficient and environmentally sound solutions, and demonstrating the value of investing in sustainable solutions." CHICAGO CITY DATA USER GROUP - MEETS MONTHLY From the web site: " The Chicago City Data Users Group is for end users, business users, enthusiasts, students, entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in how to use city data. Our goal to promote civic engagement, innovation, and economic opportunity leveraging The City of Chicago's data." The group host free meet-ups, usually the first Wednesday of the month, at the Microsoft headquarters in Chicago. NOTE: 10-2021 - due to Covid19 the face-to-face meetings have not been held since Spring 2020. CHICAGO HACK NIGHT - MEETS WEEKLY IN CHICAGO This Chicago group organizes a weekly event at the Merchandise Mart to build, share, and learn about civic tech. Visit the web site and see project list showing what many are working on and find links to other data user groups in Chicago. Note: 10-2021 – face-to-face meetings have not been held since March 2021. Weekly events are on-line. CITY OF CHICAGO DATA PORTAL - MAP OF CONNECTED ORGS & PLACES From the web site: "Connect Chicago is a loose network of more than 250 places in the city where internet and computer access, digital skills training, and online learning resources are available—for free. This data set represents all the available details for every location. The content is updated regularly by site administrators and location managers." CIVICGRAPH - MAP OF CIVIC TECH SECTOR This network analysis map created by a team at Microsoft visualizes the four sectors of civic technology users. A great tool for learning who else is in the field and building potential collaborations. CLUETRAIN MANIFESTO The Cluetrain Manifesto was first published in the late 90's, providing a vision of a world connected by the Internet. Opening statement read, "People of the earth...a powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed." See this and more on the Cluetrain website. CONNECTING ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS - A BROADBAND ACTION PLAN (2016) From the web site: "“Connecting Anchor Institutions: A Broadband Action Plan” was developed by the SHLB Coalition to provide ideas and actionable policy recommendations for government leaders at the federal, state, and local levels to address the broadband needs of anchor institutions. The ten policy papers highlight connectivity gaps and explain why broadband access is vital to communities nationwide. “ CONNECTING TECHNOLOGIES TO CITIZENSHIP - UIC FORUM WHITE PAPER This is a white paper by Jane E. Fountain, National Center for Digital Government, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, which was submitted as part of the 2013 UIC Forum. In the introduction the author writes "Among the key topics addressed in this white paper are the following: First, what is the state of connection between citizen and governments? Second, how does technology change and influence core elements of city government from the nature of governance itself to the challenges of service delivery to prospects for political participation and deepening citizenship? Third, and last, how are government services and information." Included is a list of civic technology innovations that could be adopted in many cities. providers, brokers and decision makers in city government taking advantage of appropriate technologies to better meet citizen needs and demands?" DATAMADE, A CIVIC TECHNOLOGY COMPANY IN CHICAGO From the web site: "DataMade was born out of Chicago's Open Government community. In 2011, we started working on civic technology as volunteers of Open City. At nights and over weekends, we've helped make Chicago Lobbyists, Clear Streets, and Second City Zoning." DataMade is also a founder and host of the weekly ChicagoHackNight. DIGITAL DIVIDE TECHNOLOGY ACCESS RESOURCES From the web site: "Learn more about the changing landscape of the "digital divide" in education and beyond, and explore resources that discuss how to help all students develop digital and media literacy." This list was started in 2011 and updated in 2015.
DIGITAL SPACES DIRECTORY This website is aggregating links to digital spaces as a "jumping off point for further exploration and research for anyone who's interested in studying, building, stewarding, or simply using digital platforms." E-DEMOCRACY FORUMS From the web site: " builds online public space in the heart of real democracy and community. Our mission is to harness the power of online tools to support participation in public life, strengthen communities, and build democracy. Starting with the world's first election information website in 1994 in Minnesota, today we host over 50 local Issues Forums in 16 communities across three countries - New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In addition to these "online town halls," we promote civic engagement online around the world." EDUCATION SUPERHIGHWAY - FOCUSES ON INTERNET ACCESS IN SCHOOLS From the web site: "EducationSuperHighway is the leading nonprofit focused on upgrading the Internet access in every public school classroom in America. We believe that digital learning has the potential to provide all students with equal access to educational opportunity and that every school requires high-speed broadband to make that opportunity a reality." This site is full of data showing number of kids and schools with, and without, access to Internet. Search for info for each state. EVERY LEARNER EVERYWHERE From the website: "Every Learner Everywhere is a network of twelve partner organizations with expertise in evaluating, implementing, scaling, and measuring the efficacy of education technologies, curriculum and course design strategies, teaching practices, and support services that personalize instruction for students in blended and online learning environments." The focus is on higher education. FOSS - FREE OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE View this wiki to learn more about FOSS and ways non profits and small organizations might benefit from using it. FREE GEEK CHICAGO FreeGeek Chicago is a not-for-profit community organization that recycles used computers and parts to provide functional computers, education, internet access and job skills training to those who want them. FREE SOFTWARE MOVEMENT - GNU SYSTEM From the web site: "The GNU operating system is the Unix-like operating system, which is entirely free software, that we in the GNU Project have developed since 1984. The GNU system contains all of the official GNU software packages (which are listed below), and also includes much non-GNU free software, such as the X Window System. Also, the GNU system is not a single static set of programs; users and distributors may select different packages according to their needs and desires. The result is still a variant of the GNU system." DEVELOPMENTS IN CIVIC TECH IN ASIA AND AROUND THE WORLD From the web site: "g0v News is a news platform that offers the latest trends and developments in civic tech in Asia and around the world. We aim to build a global community of civic tech enthusiasts by telling their stories, and sharing their experiences. We provide news updates, case studies, weekly digests, and interviews with the civic tech community, and by the civic tech community. is also the world’s first Chinese/English bilingual civic tech news platform. GITHUB - A PLACE TO SHARE CODE AND COLLABORATE ON PROJECTS From the site: "GitHub is supporting a community where more than 20 million people learn, share, and work together to build software."
HOW TO MAKE A WEBSITE: FREE STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE From the website: "This step-by-step guide walks you through every step you need to take to create a website for your business or yourself in an hour or less without using expensive tools." INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION - ISTE From the website: "the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), home to a passionate community of global educators who believe in the power of technology to transform teaching and learning, accelerate innovation and solve tough problems in education. ISTE inspires the creation of solutions and connections that improve opportunities for all learners by delivering: practical guidance, evidence-based professional learning, virtual networks, thought-provoking events and the ISTE Standards." INTERNET GROWTH SINCE 1970S - 40 MAPS This article tracks the growth of the internet since 1969, using maps to show this growth. Very interesting. KANSAS CITY DIGITAL INCLUSION COALITION From the web site: "The Kansas City Coalition for Digital Inclusion is an open, collaborative group of Kansas City area nonprofits, individuals, government entities and business focused on fostering internet access and digital readiness in greater Kansas City. Membership meetings occur on a monthly or bi-monthly basis at the Kansas City Public Library." LEARN-TECH-LIB - LEARNING AND TECHNOLOGY LIBRARY From the web site: "The LearnTechLib is the premiere online resource for aggregated, peer-reviewed research on the latest developments and applications in Learning and Technology. Encompassing more than 25+ years and 100,000+ documents of published international journal articles, conference papers, e-books, and multimedia content from 200,000+ leading authors, the LearnTechLib connects research and learning within one platform." MEETUPS IN CHICAGO - TECH, COLLABORATION, LEARNING This link points to a Meetups pages with a variety of tech related groups that host regular meetings in Chicago. Most are free. NEWS GATHERING AND VERIFICATION TOOLS - MINING THE INTERNET The mass amounts of information available on the Internet is overwhelming. This 2016 article shows 10 different tools that can be used to gather information from various sources. ON-LINE LEARNING CONSORTIUM From the website: "The Online Learning Consortium™ (OLC) is a collaborative community of higher education leaders and innovators, dedicated to advancing quality digital teaching and learning experiences designed to reach and engage the modern learner – anyone, anywhere, anytime." OPEN DATA SOURCES AND RESOURCES - CHICAGO This list of resources is compiled by the ChiHackNight group, composed of civic technology volunteers, which meets weekly at the Merchandise Mart in Chicago. OPEN SOURCE COMMUNITY PLATFORM From the web site: "The open source way is about applying the principles of open source software development beyond software. Beyond technology. is about sharing how the open source way can change our world in the same way the open source model has changed software." PCS FOR PEOPLE - PCS FOR PEOPLE REFURBISHES DESKTOP AND LAPTOP COMPUTERS FOR DISTRIBUTION TO ELIGIBLE RECIPIENTS. From the website: "Through electronic reuse PCs for People provides the opportunity for all low-income individuals and nonprofits to benefit from the life changing impact of computers and mobile internet." PROCESS VS. PRODUCT: CIVIC INNOVATION BEYOND OPEN DATA AND CIVIC APPS The author writes about the growth of the Open Savannah Civic Tech group and says "Restoring trust in our civic institutions — and, in so doing, working to make local government more responsive to user needs — is not a project spec or a deliverable. It’s not something you can achieve in a sprint; it’s more like a long, continuous marathon that may or may not have a clear finish line." Good tips for similar groups throughout the world. SPECTRUM DIGITAL EDUCATION - GRANTS PROGRAM From the web site: "Spectrum supports nonprofit organizations that educate community members on the benefits of broadband and how to use it to improve their lives. We award grants across the country to help accomplish this goal." TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT PAGE - CITY OF CHICAGO From the website: “The City of Chicago is committed to leveraging technology to improve and expand City programs and services. In addition, the City aims to expand public access to technology across Chicago and is pursuing other digital excellence initiatives that encourage residents, businesses and communities to participate fully in 21st century online economic and social spheres.“ TECH & LEARNING - EDTECH RESOURCE From the web site: "Tech & Learning’s print and digital publications, websites, e-newsletters, and online and in-person events provide factual and evaluative information on trends, products, and strategies to education leaders who purchase technology products in their districts and schools." TECH SOUP, A FULL RESOURCE FOR TECHNOLOGY NEEDS From the web site: "At TechSoup, people around the world find the information they need to make smart decisions about technology at their organizations. U.S. organizations often first get to know TechSoup's product donation program, which provides eligible organizations with discounted software, hardware, services, and training. Through our Global Network, organizations outside the U.S. gain similar access to the solutions they need. TechSoup's catalog includes more than 375 products from over 100 companies like Microsoft, Adobe, Cisco, Intuit, and Symantec. Discover useful technology resources on TechSoup's blog, webinars, forums, newsletter, and articles and how-tos." TECHNOLOGY FOR HUMANITY (T4H) From the web site: "There has always been a gap between those people and communities who can make effective use of information technology and those who cannot. Now, more than ever, unequal adoption of technology excludes many from reaping the fruits of the economy. We use the term "digital divide" to refer to this gap between those who can effectively use new information and communication tools, such as the Internet, and those who cannot. While a consensus does not exist on the extent of the divide (and whether the divide is growing or narrowing), researchers are nearly unanimous in acknowledging that some sort of divide exists at this point in time. We focus on minorities and people with disabilities, and we also occasionally help seniors and veterans." TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (TIA) - POLICY ISSUES From the web site: "The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) is the leading trade association representing the global information and communications technology (ICT) industry through standards development, policy initiatives, business opportunities, market intelligence and networking events. With support from hundreds of members, TIA enhances the business environment for companies involved in telecom, broadband, mobile wireless, information technology, networks, cable, satellite, unified communications, emergency communications and the greening of technology. TIA is accredited by ANSI." Click on the "advocacy" button on the web site to see a menu of policy issues TIA focuses on. THE COMMUNICATION INITIATIVE NETWORK - DIGITAL AND DEVELOPMENT NETWORK - GLOBAL This link points to one sub-section of The Communication Initiative Network and Partnership web site. This is an extensive library of information and people working on issues of importance throughout the world. Take time to browse the site. THE DIFFERENCE ENGINE - PRO BONO WEB SUPPORT FOR NON PROFITS From the web site: "Our organization works with non-traditional entry level web developers not students and provides them with real life projects over a staggered 17 week program participation model. They work collaboratively within a team environment under the supervision and mentorship of experienced tech professionals. We offer our solutions PRO BONO to qualified nonprofit or social organizations. THE OFFICE OF NATIVE AFFAIRS AND POLICY (ONAP) - DIGITAL DIVIDE ISSUES From the website: "The Office of Native Affairs and Policy (ONAP) was established by FCC Order in 2010 to further the Commission's efforts to bring the benefits of modern communications to all Native communities." The page includes a link to the Bureau of Indian Affairs' Tribal Leaders Directory website: sort There you will find an electronic, map-based, interactive directory of information on each federally recognized Indian Tribe, as well as a separate Excel spreadsheet with the names and contact information of current Tribal leaders, among other information. URBAN AND REGIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION - URISA From the web site: "URISA is a multi-disciplinary geospatial organization that provides professional education and training, a vibrant and connected community, advocacy for geospatial challenges and issues, and essential resources. URISA fosters excellence in GIS and engages geospatial professionals throughout their careers." VISUALIZING SOCIAL MEDIA UNIVERSE IN 2018 This article has a great visualization showing relative size of different social media platforms in the world along with data tables showing number of users for each. YOUTH LEARN - STEM AND AFTERSCHOOL BIBLIOGRAPHY From the web site: "The YouthLearn team develops projects at the intersection of informal learning, 21st century literacy, and creative self-expression. Since 2003, YouthLearn has worked with numerous public and private clients to design programs, develop curriculum, and deliver professional development that provides educators the tools to empower young people and guide them in meaningful learning experiences connected with real world issues. Leveraging deep expertise in the management of complex national and international projects, we tailor content and instructional design to the needs of learners, crafting program strategies that foster powerful learning experiences." The resource section of the web site has many useful documents. This link points to two pdfs with STEM and Afterschool resources.