A MANIFESTO FOR A SMALLER, DENSER INTERNET: THE THREE-LEGGED STOOL https://publicinfrastructure.org/2023/03/29/the-three-legged-stool/ This white paper is an a project of the Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure and proposes a "truly sustainable and resilient digital public sphere". This is work in development. Read the paper and follow along if you're concerned about the decline of Twitter and Facebook as viable spaces for connecting, sharing ideas and influencing change.
adVANCEDUCATION BY VANCE STEVENS https://advanceducation.blogspot.com/ Vance Stevens founded the online community Webheads in the late 1990s, resulting in involvement in many community-based online professional development endeavors which have formed the basis of his professional development life since. He shares ideas on this blog. Note: Vance Stevens passed away in 2020. His blog remains a valuable archive for all networked learners. ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK PROGRAM - UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN https://umichactivecitizens.wordpress.com/blog/ The School of Information at Michigan offers an opportunity for interns to work in community based organizations around the country. The Alternative Spring Break is just one example. Note: The Tutor/Mentor Connection was one of the 2008 sites. This video shows animated (https://www.vialogues.com/vialogues/play/34284/) project that was created in one week by a 2008 UMich intern. AMERICA LEARNS BLOG https://americalearns.com/blog/ From the website: “Sincd 2003 America Learns has been the leader in providing social impact programs with an easy-to-use, efficient way to manage and support their people, measure impact, report results, and keep getting better." ARTICLES ABOUT LEARNING, WORK, INNOVATION IN NETWORKED ERA https://jarche.com/2012/04/three-principles-for-net-work/ This blog is written by Harold Jarche who "helps organizations learn, work, and innovate in the network era." His writing adds perspective and understanding to topics like complexity theory into practical advice. BARRIERS TO ADOPTION OF ONLINE LEARNING SYSTEMS IN HIGHER ED https://sr.ithaka.org/publications/barriers-to-adoption-of-online-learning-systems-in-u-s-higher-education/ This Ithaka S+R report is a landscape review of important developments in online learning today. Read the blog and download the PDF.
BLOGGING AND THE FUTURE OF ADVOCACY https://ethanzuckerman.com/about-me/ This Blog, written by Ethan Zuckerman, offers many ideas for ways non-profits might use blogs as part of collaborative advocacy. T/MC has been following since 2007. In his introduction page Zukerman says, “I now require my students to blog any lectures they attend, as I’ve discovered that I listen differently – and better – when I’m trying to turn someone else’s talk into a blog post.” I think that's great advice. BLOGGING, BUILDING A NETWORK, TWITTER- HOW TO BUILD MOMENTUM https://whatelse.edublogs.org/2019/01/26/momentum-part-1/ This is the first of four articles written by Sheri Edwards, a retired teacher from Washington State. It talks about blogging, using Twitter and provide a wealth of tips and ideas that might inspire others. Take some time to read all four articles, then connect with Sheri and the #clmooc network on Twitter. BUILDING A COMMUNITY DOMAIN - LINKS AND QUESTIONS https://evelynhelminen.com/conferences/just-a-community-organizer-visualizing-community-for-domain-of-ones-own/#respond This blog article talks about the process and challenges of building an on-line community platform/domain. It's full of links to additional reading. BUILDING A 'TAXONOMY OF CIVIC TECHNOLOGY' - MICROSOFT BLOG https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2016/04/27/towards-taxonomy-civic-technology/ This article helps a reader understand the world of civic technology, but it also offers a model of how others might build a deeper understanding of people and organizations working in other sectors. BUILDING INTENTIONAL NETWORKS THAT DRIVE IMPACT - KUMU BLOG https://blog.kumu.io/building-intentional-networks-that-drive-impact-part-1-90a7271c7a2a Lots of good ideas for building networks and systems thinking shared on this site and in this article.
CALIFORNIA COMMONWEALTH CLUB - PODCASTS https://www.commonwealthclub.org/podcasts From the web site: "The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum. We bring more than 400 annual events on topics ranging across politics, culture, society and the economy to more than 20,000 members." This link points to podcasts.
CASE FOR SOCIAL CAPITAL LITERACY - ARTICLE ON SOCIAL CAPITAL BUILDERS BLOG https://socialcapitalbuilders.com/the-case-for-social-capital-literacy-2/ From the blog: "Social capital literacy is the competency to audit, access, build, maintain, and manage connections effectively to improve financial, social, and community well-being." This blog and website focus on teaching social capital literacy to people between ages of 16 and beyond. CHALLENGES OF CREATING NATIONAL CONVERSATION ABOUT KEY ISSUES - RESOURCES https://www.ncdd.org/rc.html For those trying to build local/national discussions around key issues, this Dialog and Deliberation website provides many resources.
CHANGE.MOOC.CA - LEARN ABOUT INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONS https://www.mooc.ca/ https://web.archive.org/web/20170312035914/http://change.mooc.ca:80/week30.htm During late 2011 different education technology researchers and instructors participated in leading weekly, self-directed learning sessions in this on-line community. The archives of each week's session are available, leading to an extensive library of ideas and experiences that anyone in the world can draw from. This website is now an archive. CHI TECH FOR GOOD BLOG https://chitechforgood.com/ Launched in August 2021 this site is intended to be "A place for Chicago's thriving civic tech community of smart and thoughtful, people to share their thoughts and blogs" Over time it hopes to aggregate blog links to many from Chicago's tech community.
CLASSROOM 2.0 - NING SITE SINCE MID 2000s - DAN BASSILL (TUTOR/MENTOR) PAGE https://www.classroom20.com/profile/tutormentor This was one of the first on-line communities connecting educators from around the world. It was formed in the mid 2000s by Steve Hargadon. Dan Bassill was one of the early members. A newer community, under the title of Learning Revolution, can be found at https://www.learningrevolution.com/ CONNECTED LEARNING ALLIANCE https://clalliance.org/who-we-are/ From the web site: "The Connected Learning Alliance supports the expansion and influence of a network of educators, experts, and youth-serving organizations mobilizing new technology in the service of equity, access and opportunity for all young people. ?The Alliance is a project of the New Venture Fund, and supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation as part of its Digital Media and Learning initiative." CONNECTED LEARNING. WHAT IS IT? - 2014 ARTICLE https://remakelearning.org/blog/2014/10/14/what-is-connected-learning/ In this 2014 article the author "talks about connected learning as a model to tap into the potential of information and online collaboration available to youth in a digital age." CONNECTIVISM AND CONNECTIVE KNOWLEDGE - STEPHEN DOWNES - 2011 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/connectivism-and-connecti_b_804653 This Huffington Post article introduces a 2011 MOOC co-organized by Stephen Downes. The article provides a good introduction to connected learning and this version of MOOCs. CULTURE OF COLLABORATION - BLOG https://collaborationblog.typepad.com/collaboration/ Evan Rosan is the director of The Culture of Collaboration Institute, which conducts research on collaboration, and writes about the interplay of culture, environment and technology to support collaboration. DATA SCIENCE - TURNING DATA INTO PRODUCTS, SERVICE https://www.oreilly.com/radar/what-is-data-science/ In this 2010 post, the writer examines the many sides of data science -- the technologies, the companies and the unique skill sets. Much has changed in years since this was written. DAVID B. COE - MEDITATIONS OF A PROFESSIONAL WRITER https://aidanmoher.com/blog/featured-article/2013/07/ideology-politics-and-the-writer-by-david-b-coe/#more-13183 David B Coe is a fantasy writer, with books like the 'Winds of the Forelands' series to his credit. In that series he wove the topic of racial profiling into the story line and hopefully stimulated readers to think more about that issue. This is a link to an article he wrote regarding how writers weave social issues into writing. Find his personal blog at: http://davidbcoe.wordpress.com/category/socialpolitical-issues/
DC ACTION FOR CHILDREN - BLOG https://www.wearedcaction.org/blog This blog integrates the data from the annual Kids Count into stories intended to make sense of the data and promote actions and policy changes. See this link also http://dcactionforchildren.org/kids-count/education DEVELOP YOUR OWN
PERSONAL LEARNING NETWORK - TIPS TO FOLLOW https://wiobyrne.com/develop-your-own-personal-learning-network-using-twitter/ W. Ian O'Byrne is an Assistant Professor of Educational Technologies at UNH. His blog offers tips that anyone can follow to build their own personal learning network.
DOMAIN OF ONE’S OWN (DOOO) - A PROJECT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MARY WASHINGTON https://umw.domains/ From the web site: "The DoOO project allows UMW students, faculty, and staff to register their own domain name and associate it with a hosted web space, free of charge while at UMW. With their Domain and corresponding web space, users will have the opportunity and flexibility to design and create a meaningful and vibrant digital presence." Do a Google search for “domain of owns own” and you'll find many articles that expand your understanding of this project and the scope of universities involved.
EDGE PERSPECTIVES WITH JOHN HAGEL - STRATEGY @ THE INTERSECTION OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY https://edgeperspectives.typepad.com/ This blog includes stimulating articles that "Explore emerging innovations on a broad array of edges that are rising up to challenge the core." Note: the newer version of this blog is https://www.johnhagel.com/blog/
EDUCATE FOR PROBLEM SOLVING, NOT FACTORIES https://www.forbes.com/sites/ashoka/2012/12/14/educate-for-problem-solving-not-factories/?sh=6c26e2dd137a The author concludes this Forbes article with "Let’s stop force-feeding students answers in 40-minute blocks. Let’s stop stifling creativity and innovation. If we want to make the grade, we must open our children’s eyes, ears, hearts and minds to a future of lifelong learning. The sooner the better." EDUCATION FOR LIBERATION NETWORK https://www.edliberation.org/ From the web site: "The Education for Liberation Network is a national coalition of teachers, community activists, researchers, youth and parents who believe a good education should teach people—particularly low-income youth and youth of color—how to understand and challenge the injustices their communities face." EDUCATION INFOGRAPHICS - VISUALIZATIONS https://usergeneratededucation.wordpress.com/2013/12/29/best-education-infographics-2013/ This blog features a collection of info-graphics that help expand understanding of education issues. EDUCATION INNOVATION CLUSTERS - DIGITAL PROMISE WEB SITE https://digitalpromise.org/2015/08/18/education-innovation-clusters-convening/ Communities around the country are "creating “education innovation clusters” that bring together educators, startups, policymakers, investors, researchers, and community groups for powerful collaboration." This site highlights some of these. EXPERIENCE INSTITUTE STUDIO - CHICAGO http://studio.expinstitute.com/ From the web site: "We believe experiences can drive deep learning - to gain the skills to shape your own future, the agency to meaningfully engage in your community, and the confidence to tackle the world's most pressing problems. We are continually developing new professional development offerings, curricula, and learning products that build educators’ capacity to facilitate high-impact experiential learning opportunities for their students." Visit this link to learn more
HOWARD RHEINGOLD ON THE PAST AND PRESENT OF VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES - 2021 https://www.notion.so/blog/howard-rheingold This is a transcript of a podcast conversation with Howard Rheingold, a writer who Tutor/Mentor has followed for many years. Howard first plugged into the internet in 1983 and this interview covers much of what he has learned about online communities since then. HOW THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES ARE USING SLACK https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2016/07/13/using-slack-to-support-a-geographically-dispersed-community/ The full title of this blog article is "How the Digital Humanities are using Slack to support and build a geographically dispersed intellectual community." For those seeking to build an on-line community that shares ideas and seeks to solve complex problems, learning more about emerging platforms, such as Slack, is important. IDEAS FOR EFFECTIVE E-LEARNING - STEPHEN DOWNES https://www.downes.ca/about_this_website.htm From the web site: "Founded in 1995, Stephen's Web is best described as a digital research laboratory for innovation in the use of online media in education. More than just a site about online learning, it is intended to demonstrate new directions in the field for practitioners and enthusiasts." IMPEDAGOGY - BLOG BY COLLEGE PROFESSOR IN KENTUCKY CONNECTING TO T/MC https://impedagogy.com/wp/blog/2016/01/21/picnic-preparations-homago-with-daniel-bassill-and-simon-ensor/ This is one of several articles written by Terry Elliott, a professor at a college in Western Kentucky, where he draws on the ideas shared by Tutor/Mentor Institute, and shares them with is students and networks as part of his own learning and engagement. Search the blog for "tutor/mentor" or "Dan Bassill" to find more. INFORMAL LEARNING: THEORY, PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE - INFED.ORG https://infed.org/ From the web site: "infed.org: we specialize in the theory and practice of informal education, social pedagogy, lifelong learning, social action, and community learning and development." INTRODUCTION TO LEARNING HISTORY THEORY AND PRACTICE http://ccs.mit.edu/lh/intro.html Efforts to create learning organizations face many challenges. One is documenting what is learned and understanding impact of what is learned on organizational success. This paper offers some insight into this. JAYNE CRAVENS ON (VOLUNTEERISM, NONPROFIT TECH, ETC.) http://coyotecommunications.com/coyoteblog/ From the web site: This site offers "Resources and consulting and training services for mission-based organizations (not-for-profit organizations, non-governmental organizations/NGOs, civil society and public sector/government agencies, departments and initiatives)." Tutor/Mentor Connection has been following the author since the early 2000s. JULIAN STODDARD'S LEARNING BLOG - TO SEEK, TO STRIVE https://julianstodd.wordpress.com/2016/02/27/to-seek-to-strive/ This is one of a series of articles that use interesting visualizations to emphasize the idea being shared. Julian Stoddard uses a "thinking out loud" style in writing his blog articles. Take a look.
KNOWLEDGE CAFÉ - PROCESS HOSTED BY DAVID GURTEEN http://knowledge.cafe/knowledge-cafe-concept/ From the web site: "One of the best ways to make sense of an issue or challenge and ultimately make better decisions and to innovate is to bring a diversity of people together in open conversation, in dialogue. The Knowledge Café is the ideal tool to achieve this." This is a process facilitated by consultant David Gurteen. KNOWLEDGE MGT. INTERACTIVE VALUE CREATION. ESKO KILPI COMPANY https://conversational-leadership.net/person/esko-kilpi/ From the web site: "Esko Kilpi Company consists of a varying group of researchers and strategists. We lay the intellectual foundations for Post-Industrial Work. We help organization and individuals to develop capabilities, innovate and grow in the new technological and societal landscape characterized by algorithms, platforms and human interaction. We are early champions and pilots for the new disciplines of value creation as they emerge. Our theoretical framework comes from sociology, relational psychology, network theory, cognitive neuroscience, computer science and the sciences of complexity." LEARNING CHANGE - FOCUS ON COLLECTIVE ACTION AND ON SYSTEMIC CHANGE. https://gfbertini.wordpress.com/2020/11/03/about-sensations-emotions-and-feelings-a-contribution-to-the-theoretical-basis-of-transactional-analysis/ From the blog: "This is an experimental set of eight Resource blogs, that together with a dialogical and collaborative Service platform, are part of the infrastructure of the Learning Change Project to support and empower a community of change agents on Systemic Change." LEARNING FROM PUBLIC ON-LINE - EDUCON 2012 REFLECTION https://blog.markwcarbone.ca/2012/02/20/educon-reflection-learning-in-public-online/ This writer reflects on Educon 2012 discussions related to the "idea of learning online in public". Visit the blog to read the full article.
LEARNING TO LEARN. LIFE LONG LEARNING. https://css-tricks.com/learning-to-learn/ This article starts with "Academic background or not, technical education doesn’t stop once you get a job. On the contrary: nothing in tech stays in one place, and the single most valuable skill you can possess to remain employable over time is learning how to learn." Then, provides tips for life long learning.
LEARNINGTIMES ON-LINE COMMUNITY https://learningtimes.com/who-we-are/ From the web site: "LearningTimes.org is a free community for education, training, museum and library professionals. Members have access to a wide range of opportunities to interact and network with peers from across the globe." LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS - IMPACT BLOG https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/ The LSC hosts several categories of blogs. This one focuses on issues related to social impact. Spend some time browsing the articles. MANIFESTO 15: IDEAS, VISIONS FOR THE FUTURE OF LEARNING https://manifesto15.org/en/# This starts with: "In a world consumed with uncertainty and a growing sense of the obsolescence of our education systems, how can we ensure the success of ourselves as individuals, our communities, and the planet? We need to evolve education. This manifesto represents a snapshot of our ideas, visions for the future, and what we have learned to date about learning and education. This text serves as a reference point to help us understand how we’ve done so far and what actions we need to take next. MAXIMIZING USE OF TWITTER AS AN EDUCATOR, MENTOR LEADER, ORGANIZER http://www.justintarte.com/2014/01/10-ways-twitter-makes-me-better-educator.html The articles on this blog show ways tutor and/or mentor program leaders and supporters can use Twitter to educate more people on the values of mentoring, the challenges of building and sustaining great programs in more places, and the roles donors, business, political leaders, media need to take. MENTORING KIDS TO CAREERS - DEBATEGRAPH DISCUSSION OUTLINE https://debategraph.org/Stream.aspx?nid=116862&vt=ngraph&dc=focus Debategraph is a platform where you can outline discussions in threaded segments and create a visual map of the idea you are discussion. Visit this link and see how we've mapped a wide range of information related to the topic of "mentoring kids to careers". You can add to this and/or create your own thread and link it to this or others hosted on this platform. NETWORK ANALYSIS EXAMPLE - OPEN EDUCATION : CITATION NETWORK http://www.katyjordan.com/go_gn/network/# This map demonstrates a potential of using network analysis tools to aggregate information about people who write and do research about the same topics. Click on the colored dots on this map, then look to the right, you'll see focus areas, such as social media, E-learning & online education, etc. For each dot, representing a person, you can then see all the people that person is connecting with. Note: I'd love to have someone apply this to the 2000 links in this web library. NETWORK WEAVING - BUILDING INFLUENCE NETWORKS - 2011 ARTICLE http://networkweaver.blogspot.com/2011/09/building-business-case-for-influence.html Social networking for a purpose is a strategy deployed by the Tutor/Mentor Connection since the mid 1990s to engage volunteers and resource providers and connect them with kids and tutor/mentor programs throughout Chicago and in other cities. This blog sheds light on the concept of social networks and social network analysis. While it was written in 2011, the ideas are still valuable. NETWORK WEAVING - ESSENTIAL SKILLS - 2010 ARTICLE https://emergentbydesign.com/2010/05/01/essential-skills-for-21st-century-survival-part-3-network-weaving/ This 2010 article on network weaving is one that still has meaning to those trying to bring people together to solve complex problems. NETWORKS AND NETWORK WEAVING - NEWSLETTER https://www.scoop.it/topic/networks-and-network-weaving This is a newsletter, hosted by June Holley, with links to articles about network building, network weaving, and networks. NEW YORK COLLECTIVE OF RADICAL EDUCATORS http://www.nycore.org/nycore-info/ From the web site: "The New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE)is a group of public school educators committed to fighting for social justice in our school system and society at large, by organizing and mobilizing teachers, developing curriculum, and working with community, parent, and student organizations." NIEMAN STORYBOARD - UNIQUE WAY OF TELLING STORIES LIKE THAT OF DETROIT https://niemanstoryboard.org/stories/detroit-a-love-story-chuck-salter-fast-company-and-a-layered-live-storytelling-approach-to-the-tale-of-a-desperate-city/ Nieman Storyboard is a publication of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard. The 2013 story I point to is one of many that are nurtured by this project. Read more. PEERAGOLOGY HANDBOOK - TECHNIQUES FOR PEER LEARNING AND PEER KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION https://peeragogy.org/ From the web site introduction: "Peeragogy is a flexible framework of techniques for peer learning and peer knowledge production. As pedagogy theoretically articulates the transmission of knowledge from teachers to students, peeragogy describes the way peers produce and utilize knowledge together. With OER, wikis, the internet, Free Software and mobile networks, groups of people can learn, connect and create knowledge together inside and outside of formal institutions in ways never before possible. These tools can facilitate connected learning, and collaborative engagement but they only work well when combined with practices that work well for the people involved."
PLURALISTIC: DAILY LINKS FROM CORY DOCTOROW https://pluralistic.net/2023/05/04/analytical-democratic-theory/#epistocratic-delusions This is an interesting blog with new links added daily via on-going blog articles. Written by science fiction author, activist and journalist, Cory Doctorow. REDEFINING ANNOTATION: DITCH THAT PDF AND HYPER-ANNOTATE https://ditchthattextbook.com/redefining-annotation-ditch-that-pdf-and-hyper-annotate// This article offers tips for annotating documents using Google docs. Intended for classroom educators but can be applied by others. RESULTS OF LEARNING PREFERENCES SURVEY - 2017 ARTICLE https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/wow-do-people-hate-elearning-much-results-learning-mary-hetherington/ For anyone involved with on-line learning, coaching and training the results of this survey should be alarming and should challenge folks to innovate better ways to engage learners. SEEK, SENSE, SHARE - BY HAROLD JARCHE (2012) (PDF) https://jarche.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/seek_sense_share.pdf This PDF is a discussion of PKM (Personal Knowledge Management). If you're a mentor, tutor, teacher, administrator, policy maker, etc. these ideas should be part of your library of thinking as you innovate ways to prepare youth and adults for the coming century of connected learning.
SOCIAL LEADERSHIP - WORKSHOP BY JULIAN STODDARD https://julianstodd.wordpress.com/2017/08/23/workingoutloud-developing-a-social-leadership-workshop/ This is one of many articles from Julian Stoddard's blog. It focuses on social leadership and outlines a workshop he is planning. Included are links to extra reading for each segment. Take a look. STARTING A SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY http://www.marionconway.com/2009/03/part-1-of-3-on-social-media-for.html This 2009 blog article and many others since then, written by Marion Conway, offer good advice for non profits just starting a social network strategy, or for those who have been doing this for a few years. STEPHEN DOWNES - KNOWLEDGE, LEARNING, COMMUNITY https://www.downes.ca/index.html Downes is "one of the originators of the Massive Open Online Course. He writes about online and networked learning. This site is an entry point to his writing, publications and ideas.
STEVE HARGADON - THE LEARNING REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN https://www.stevehargadon.com/ Steve is founder and director of the Learning Revolution Project, the host of the Future of Education and Reinventing School interview series, and the founder and chair (or co-chair) of a number of annual worldwide virtual events, including the Global Education Conferences and the Library 2.0 series of mini-conferences and webinars. He built the Classroom2.0 community on Ning.com in 2007 (no longer active), which was one of the first modern social networks for teachers.
TECHNOLOGY FOR NON PROFIT AND PHILANTHROPIC SECTOR https://deborahelizabethfinn.wordpress.com/2014/11/03/is-km-for-you/ This blog by Deborah Elizabeth Finn covers a wide range of issues and ideas. This link points to a page with links to other sites and recommended reading. Editor Note: I've followed Ms. Finn's writing since the early 2000s. THE CENTER FOR INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN CYBER LEARNING https://circlcenter.org/new2cl/ From the web site: "New technologies change what and how people learn. Informed by learning science, cyber-learning is the use of new technology to create effective new learning experiences that were never possible or practical before." Browse the site and do your own learning. THE COMMUNICATION INITIATIVE https://www.comminit.com/global/category/sites/global The mission of the Communication Initiative (The CI) network is "To convene the communication and media development, social and behavioral change community for more effective local, national, and international development action." THE CULTURE OF COLLECTIVE IMPACT - 2014 ARTICLE https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-culture-of-collective_b_6025536?utm_hp_ref=tw The article starts with this quote: “It took a lot of time to build trust. People had distrust for years. You can’t undo that in a few meetings” The article focuses on five activities that enhance success of collective impact efforts. Written by former Public Allies CEO in Milwaukee. THE NEXT GREAT INTERNET DISRUPTION: AUTHORITY AND GOVERNANCE http://www.bollier.org/blog/next-great-internet-disruption-authority-and-governance If you signed the Cluetrain Manifesto in the late 1990s (http://www.cluetrain.com/) you'll be interested to read David Boiller's 2013 article describing a future "networked world" that changes structures of government and governance in many of the same ways as the Internet has changed business models of retail, newspapers, music, etc. THE RISE OF THE NICHE SOCIAL NETWORK - 2013 https://www.fastcompany.com/3014562/the-rise-of-the-niche-social-network This 2013 article shows how smaller communities of practice are emerging on the internet to focus on issues of importance to their members. MOOCs can support such niche networks as can content libraries like this one.
Note: The Tutor/Mentor Connection is an example of a niche network. It has been trying to connect donors, volunteers, business leaders, non profit leaders, students, etc. for more than 25 years. THE UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR WRITING BASED LEARNING (DEPAUL) BLOG http://ucwbling.chicagolandwritingcenters.org/ From the site: "The University Center for Writing-based Learning promotes the development of writers, writing instruction, written texts, and the use of writing as a powerful and ubiquitous modality of and for learning." This page points to blog articles written by staff to share ideas with their network. THE WISDOM OF LINUS TORVALDS - INTERVIEW https://ideas.ted.com/the-wisdom-of-linus-torvalds/ From the web site: "Linus Torvalds might not be a household name, but pretty much everyone should buy him a drink to thank him for his work on software products such as Linux and Git, the foundation of so much of our computer-related work and play today." Read more. THOUGHTS ABOUT COLLECTIVE IMPACT AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - 2013 http://www.workingdifferently.org/working-differently-blog/archives/02-2013 Jay Connor's "Working Differently" blog posts offer useful insight on ways people can support collective efforts aimed at solving complex community problems. TIPPING POINTS COMMUNITY BLOG http://tippingpointcommunity.blogspot.com/?view=timeslide This is the blog of an organization "that is passionate about eliminating poverty in the Bay Area." See the Tipping Point web site at http://www.tippingpoint.org/. TOM ATLEE BLOG - CO-INTELLIGENCE, PUBLIC WISDOM http://www.tomatleeblog.com/ Here's how Tom describes what he writes about "I'm interested in conscious evolution as an active and integrated process of personal and social transformation, as well as many subsets of that -- collective intelligence, evolutionary spirituality, wise democracy, emergent economics, etc. My main home website is http://co-intelligence.org." TOUCHES OF SENSE - BLOG BY FRENCH PROFESSOR CONNECT TO T/MC http://tachesdesens.blogspot.com/2016/02/mapping-strategy.html This link points to a 2016 article by Simon Ensor, a professor in France. It illustrates how people in different places are using their own blogs to introduce ideas of Tutor/Mentor Institute and others to their own students and followers. TUTORIAL FOR USING HYPOTHES.IS ANNOTATION TOOL - NYC HIVE NETWORK click here On-line annotation is a process that supports deeper learning and network building. This is a Google doc serving as a tutorial to bring New York City HIVE network members to a few shared blog articles. Take a look. UNDERSTANDING IMPACT OF CULTURE ON A LEARNING ENVIRONMENT https://www.tonybates.ca/2016/05/15/culture-and-effective-online-learning-environments/ This article is titled "Culture and effective online learning environments" and focuses on on-line learning environments. the ideas about the impact of culture are relevant to any effort to influence learning, ranging from k-16 formal education, to efforts to educate adults about complex social, environmental or political issues. VIRTUALLY CONNECTING - WHAT IS IT? WHY ADD IT TO A CONFERENCE? http://virtuallyconnecting.org/publications/ This link provides information about what Virtually Connecting is, with a list of articles to read to expand your understanding. In one article this description is offered "Virtually Connecting seeks to enliven virtual participation in academic conferences, widening access to a fuller conference experience for those who cannot be physically present at conferences." WEBHEADS IN ACTION - COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE ARCHIVE http://vancestevens.com/papers/evonline2002/webheads.htm Webheads in Action is a community of practice that connects English as Second Language educators and others from throughout the world in on-going learning, networking and idea sharing. It's been continuously operating since 1998. This page is a hub, with links to many different sites that show the history and current activities of this group. WEBHEADS IN ACTION COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE - ESL EDUCATORS http://webheadsinaction.org/ The Webheads network of ESL educators connects people from around the world in on-going learning and idea sharing. It began in the late 1990s and is one of the world's oldest examples of an on-line community of practice. Browse the page and YOU can join in any of their activities. Note: Dan Bassill of Tutor/Mentor Connection/Institute, LLC has been connecting with this group since around 2004. WEBQUEST - WHAT IS IT? http://webquest.org/ From the web site: "A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. The model was developed by Bernie Dodge at San Diego State University in February, 1995 with early input from SDSU/Pacific Bell Fellow Tom March, the Educational Technology staff at San Diego Unified School District, and waves of participants each summer at the Teach the Teachers Consortium at The Thacher School in Ojai, California." Browse this web site to learn more. WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS WRITING PROJECT https://www.umass.edu/wmwp/ From the web site: "WMWP is a professional community of teachers who value reflection and inquiry; who care about issues of race, gender, language, class, and culture; who come together to deepen our experience as writers, to share our knowledge and expertise, to transform our practice, to improve student learning, and to develop expertise and leadership. Click "Read more" to see a video about WMWP." Editor Note: I include links to groups like this even though they are not in the city where I do my work (Chicago) because I feel good ideas for helping kids can be found any where in the world if you take the time to look. WHAT CONNECTED EDUCATORS DO DIFFERENTLY - BLOG https://onlinelearninginsights.wordpress.com/2016/06/01/3-takeaways-from-what-connected-educators-do-differently/ From the blog, "How do you stay current, relevant and up-to-date with the new technologies in education? What Connected Educators do Differently has answers for educators looking to start and cultivate a professional (or personal) learning network (PLN) to stay current and connected. Following are key takeaways from the book and from two other resources that go beyond the basics of starting a PLN." WHAT I'VE LEARNED BLOG - INTERN WITH TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION http://tutormentorconnection.ning.com/profiles/blogs/final-paper This blog shows how one Loyola University Chicago student intern spent 12 weeks with Tutor/Mentor Connection in Chicago, learning to use a blog and network to draw attention and support to tutor/mentor programs in Chicago. Our aim is that many interns and students, at high school, and college, level, take this role. Just register on the Ning site to join in. WORKING OUT LOUD WEEK - ANNUAL EVENT https://wolweek.com/ From the website: "International Working Out Loud Week promotes the practice of working out loud, which is the practice of sharing work in progress with a relevant community to enable learning and collaboration." Visit the website and read the blog articles to learn more. WORLD IS OPEN - LINKS LIBRARY AT TRAINING SHARE http://www.trainingshare.com/resources/weblinks.php While the links in the library on the Tutor/Mentor Connection site focus specifically on issues related to poverty, volunteering, tutoring/mentoring, etc. the links in the TrainingShare site can take you to knowledge and learning information, curriculum, collections hosted throughout the world. It will take time to become familiar with all of this so book mark the site and visit often. WORLD OF LEARNING - IDEAS FROM STRIVE NETWORK IN CINCINNATI https://knowledgeworks.org/resources/ From the web site: "KnowledgeWorks is a national organization committed to providing every learner with meaningful personalized learning experiences that ensure success in college, career and civic life. With a presence in more than 30 states, we develop the capabilities of educators to implement and sustain competency-based and early college schools, partner with federal, state and district leaders to remove policy barriers that inhibit the growth of personalized learning and provide national thought leadership around the future of learning." This link points to the resource library on the website.
WORLD-WIDE COMMUNITY OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATORS https://www.ascd.org/ This is the official blog site of ASCD. From the web site: "ASCD is an educational leadership organization dedicated to advancing best practices and policies for the success of each learner. Our 150,000 members in more than 145 countries are professional educators from all levels and subject areas––superintendents, supervisors, principals, teachers, professors of education, and school board members." This web site hosts communities of educators, on-line learning and a vast range of publications.