Find additional resources for educators in the blog article links, homework help and the research links.
ADVENTURES IN WRITING This website contains information on helping students with writing, a mentoring page offering to work with students on-line with their writing , and a web place to publish "worthy" and appropriate materials.
BEST EDUCATION PRACTICES CLEARINGHOUSE IS ONLINE MANUAL OF WHAT WORKS WITH TRIO AND GEAR UP STUDENTS From the website: "We are the first group of federally-funded programs to create our own best practices clearinghouse. Rather than relying on practices developed by others, we created an online program manual of what works with our TRIO and GEAR UP students."
CAMBRIDGE STRATFORD STUDY SKILLS INSTITUTE From the web site: "The CSSS INSTITUTE provides teacher and tutor training services, private courses for students in summer and after school programs nationally, and publishes the internationally renowned study skills curriculum entitled The Cambridge Stratford Study Skills Course. It is taught publicly by schools, colleges, federal and state grant programs at 3 grade levels (6-8th: 20 hour edition, 9-11th: 30 hour edition, and 12-15th: 10 hour edition, entitled Ten Tips for Academic Success, available in English and Spanish). These editions include 4 components; Student Workbook, Teacher Manual, Transparency and Listening Tape Set."
COMMUNITY SCHOOLS PLAYBOOK - FROM LEARNING POLICY INSTITUTE From the website" "The Community Schools Playbook, from the Partnership for the Future of Learning, is a comprehensive policy and implementation guide for those looking to advance community schools. It provides an in-depth review of the strategy, details the four key pillars of comprehensive community schools, and has both communications and policy development resources."
CONNECTION OVER CONTENT: A NEW ERA FOR EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY (2022 ARTICLE) This article provides an overview of education technology strengths, weaknesses and potential. It focuses on how edtech has the potential "to disrupt social -- not just academic -- gaps that have long perpetuated opportunity gaps in America".
CREATE SPACES TO EMPOWER YOUNG READERS AND WRITERS - PDF STUDY GUIDE Open link This PDF is a study guide, designed for educators, to help them create spaces to empower students. It's based on a book titled "Classroom Design for Student Agency: Create Spaces to Empower Young Readers and Writers", by Lynsey Burkins and Franki Sibberson.
CULT OF PEDAGOGY - A PLACE TO FINE TUNE THE ART OF TEACHING This site is full of resources and support for educators with blogs such as this one titled "Where to Find Real History in the Anti-CRT Era".
CURRIKI - FREE EDUCATION RESOURCES AND CURRICULUM From the web site: "Curriki’s mission is to eliminate the Education Divide – the gap between those who have access to high-quality education and those who do not – in the U.S. and worldwide. It’s online community of educators, learners and committed education experts works together to build and share quality materials that benefit teachers, parents and students globally."
EDUCATION WORLD RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY From the web site: ", is a resource that includes: * original content, including lesson plans, practical information for educators, information on how to integrate technology in the classroom, and articles written by education experts; * Web site reviews; * employment listings.
ESSENTIAL EDUCATIONAL AND CLASSROOM TEACHING RESOURCES - BLOG From the web site "Essential Resources is an innovative publisher of high-quality classroom and educational resources. Our publications are created and produced predominately for primary and secondary schools, as well as for early childhood education. They include curriculum-specific, cross-curricular, co-curricular, student workbooks, mentoring and professional development resources." Browse the web site to view catalog of publications. This link points to their blog.
HOW WE'RE DOING KINDERGARTEN ALL WRONG IN THE U.S. AND WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM COUNTRIES DOING IT RIGHT This 2022 article talks about how to promote children's imagination, imitative and critical thought, starting in kindergarten. It encourages learning from best practices in other countries.
HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ONLINE - H-NET From the website: "H-Net is an international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web. The H-Net Commons is a robust content management platform that serves as the foundation for what many have called H-Net 2.0. It's home to 180 free online communities (Networks) edited by 300 volunteer field experts with approximately 200,000 subscribers." Browse the site to learn more.
INNOVATIVE SCHOOL - THE FOREST SCHOOL AT TRILITH (GA) From the website: "The Forest School at Trilith is a 21st century micro -- school-grades K-12 -- with learner-driven technology, Socratic discussions, hands-on projects, and real-world apprenticeships in an internationally diverse and character-forming community." Browse the website to see all the features of this school -- and its partners.
LEAP LEARNING SYSTEMS From the web site: "LEAP (Language Empowers All People) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to research-driven language and literacy development in low income communities. LEAP’s programs are proven to accelerate self-confidence and fulfillment in children, parents, and educators." LEAP serves youth in low-resource classrooms across Chicago.
LIFE SKILL EXCELLENCE - THE VIRTUAL ACADEMY From the web site: This site offers a variety of "Dynamic Interactive Programs for Young People on Real-World Readiness, Excellence, Motivation, Responsibility, Life Skills, and Leadership."
LIFE SKILLS CURRICULA AND STAFF TRAINING From the web site: "ARISE Life Skills lessons engage youth and get the message through. What to watch for after the lessons? A new sense of well-being, engaged, motivated, positive attitudes. Visit the web site to see the extensive library of evidence-based soft skills materials ARISE has developed over the last 30 years to teach these valuable skills to kids of all ages."
MICRO SOCIETY FOCUSES ON STUDENT ENGAGED LEARNING From the web site: MicroSociety Institute is a full service professional organization working with schools in some of the Nation’s most at-risk communities." MSI offers a unique a MicroSociety school model which is offered at schools and non-school locations. Visit the web site to learn more.
NOODLE TOOLS - SUPPORT FOR INDIVIDUAL INQUIRY AND COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH From the web site: "NoodleTools is a responsive, user-friendly research management platform with baked-in wisdom accumulated over years, and a proven track record across thousands of schools and universities. NoodleTools gives students a systematic but flexible framework for navigating the tangled web of research. Students develop expert critical-thinking skills, gain confidence, and replace patchwriting and plagiarism with synthesis."
PIVOT LEARNING PARTNERS -BEYOND HIGH SCHOOL From the web site: "Pivot Learning is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to revitalize our public school systems so that all students have the opportunity to succeed in college and career. We partner with education leaders at all levels and provide them with the knowledge, skills and support proven to strengthen educational systems and transform teaching and learning." The Beyond High School project was launched in 2017.
READ RIGHT - AN INNOVATIVE READING SOLUTION From the web site: "Read Right is more than a solution for mild to severe reading problems (including dyslexia). It is a revolutionary approach to rapid reading improvement!" Visit the site and learn how Read Right is revolutionary.
WE MUST EMBED SYSTEMS THINKING IN EDUCATION. HERE'S HOW. 2023 ARTICLE This article is hosted on the World Economic Forum website in partnership with Forbes. It describes a collaboration with Trinity College Dublin and the World Economic Forum, using the WEF's Strategic Intelligence platform at a variety of education institutions. According to the authors "The recommendations from this pilot could help reignite imagination, creativity and innovation in the classroom, making learning more enjoyable and fulfilling for students."