Arts, Writing, Music in school and non-school programs
View the websites below and borrow ideas that could be used in your own school or non-school program
ARTS EDUCATION IN CHICAGO - ARTLOOK MAP Search the map for schools and arts organizations in Chicago. Hosted by Ingenuity
CHANGING WORLDS - EDUCATIONAL ARTS NPO IN CHICAGO Changing Worlds is an educational arts nonprofit organization whose mission is to foster inclusive communities through oral history, writing and art programs that improve student learning, affirm identity and enhance cross-cultural understanding.
CHICAGO AREA WRITING PROJECT From the web site: "The Chicago Area Writing Project (CAWP) is based at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and since its founding in 1979, CAWP has trained more than 21,000 teachers based on the highly acclaimed Bay Area Writing Project “teachers-teaching-teachers” model to improve their instruction of writing. CAWP is one of over 200 sites of the National Writing Project and is one of six NWP sites in Illinois."
CHILD'S PLAY TOURING THEATER - PERFORMS STORIES AND POEMS WRITTEN BY YOUN AUTHORS From the website: "Founded in 1978, Child's Play Touring Theatre was the first theatre company to realize the value of children's own writing and perform exclusively stories and poems written by young authors. Our goal is to help children understand the value and significance that writing and reading has on their lives."
CON TEXTOS - WRITING BASED PREVENTION PROGRAMS From the website: "Con Textos launched in 2011 to transform traditional, rote education into dynamic learning environments that promote deep-thinking, engaged dialogue, and expression." Programs are in Chicago and El Salvador and focus on 1) juveniles and adults who are awaiting trail, or incarcerated; 2) schools, and 3) community workforce development, reentry, alternative sentencing, and community centers that reach individuals who are on probation, house arrest, just out-of-jail, or at elevated risk for violence involvement.
CREATE NOW! AN LA BASED PROGRAM. The goal of Create Now! is to teach children to express themselves creatively through all of the arts, including dance, animation, graphic design, ceramics, etc. This is a Hollywood, CA. based program which targets at-risk and high-risk youth and its web site has many examples of what a program like this can accomplish.
CULTURAL ASSET MAPPING PROJECT - CHICAGO From the website: "The Cultural Asset Mapping Project (C.A.M.P.) is a community storytelling and data visualization project started in 2020, where Chicago artists and community story tellers collaborate to better understand artistic excellence and cultural vibrancy in our communities." View the map on this page and see arts/cultural organizations in all parts of Chicago.
Another version, created by Free Street Media, shows organizations in South Central Chicago. View at
HAPPINESS CLUB, THE Located in the Chicago area, The Happiness Club's mission is to inspire and enable young people to embrace positive values, to openly express themselves with conviction and courage, to actively participate in developing individual skills and talents, and to confidently pursue productive futures as responsible, contributing members of society.
ILLINOIS WRITING PROJECT From the web site "The Illinois Writing Project helps teachers build capacity and resources to employ the best of what is known about writers and writing. We offer flexible, transformative, sustainable professional development to help teachers guide students to write with thoughtfulness, skill, and enjoyment. Locally based but nationally connected, we are one of nearly 200 sites in the National Writing Project network."
INTONATION MUSIC WORKSHOP - CHICAGO From the web site: "The Intonation Music Workshop empowers children to become rock stars on every stage in life through innovative music education. Using donated instruments and a unique pop-band curriculum, our in-school, after-school and summer music programs provide kids age 6-17 in Chicago’s underserved communities with access to instruction and performance opportunities in a safe and positive environment, sparking for many a life-changing sense of accomplishment and belonging."
LUV CITY - ENGAGES YOUTH IN MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION From the website: "LUV City offers a 5-week Summer Institute where Chicago youth are immersed in workshops in filmmaking, editing, sound design, multimedia production, acting, storytelling and music production. Youth are invited to continue on with programming during fall, winter and spring semesters."
MARWIN - ARTS EDUCATION FOR INNER CITY CHICAGO YOUTH From the web site: "Marwen achieves its mission by providing free visual arts classes to under-served Chicago youth in 6 - 12 grades. Marwen also provides free college and career counseling to high school students and their families who are interested in pursuing a career in the visual arts or wish to continue their education beyond high school."
MERIT SCHOOL OF MUSIC - CHICAGO From the web site: "Merit School of Music provides instruction to more than 4,000 children each year at public, parochial, charter and private school and community centers across Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana through our off-site program called Bridges: Partners in Music."
MOVING IN THE SPIRIT (MITS) From the web site: "Moving in the Spirit is a nationally-recognized youth development program that uses the art of dance to positively transform the lives of children and teens in Atlanta, Georgia. Through programs that integrate high-quality dance instruction with performance, leadership and mentor opportunities, Moving in the Spirit impacts over 200 children and teens annually, encouraging them to overcome the obstacles they face each day and realize their highest potential.
SPHINX ORGANIZATION - TRANSFORMING LIVES THROUGH ARTS - DETROIT From the website: "The Sphinx Organization is the social justice organization dedicated to transforming lives through the power of diversity in the arts. Sphinx’s four program areas – Education & Access, Artist Development, Performing Artists, and Arts Leadership – form a pipeline that develops and supports diversity and inclusion in classical music at every level: music education, artists performing on stage, the repertoire and programing being performed, the communities represented in audiences, and the artistic and administrative leadership within the field."
THE ALL STARS PROJECT OF CHICAGO - PERFORMANCE ARTS From the web site: "We transform the lives of youth and poor communities using the developmental power of performance, in partnership with caring adults. In All Stars programs, people learn new performances onstage and off. They try new things, become more worldly and begin to create new possibilities for themselves and their communities." In Chicago the Allstars Project is also hosting an annual networking conference and quarterly networking events.
THE FIREHOUSE COMMUNITY ARTS CENTER - CHICAGO From the web site: "The Firehouse offers daily arts training and mentoring to youth and young adults in a creative and nurturing environment. Youth (ages 12-25) will have opportunities to engage in workshops involving music production, dance, graphic arts, computer technology, culinary art, photography, and entrepreneurship. Providing Arts as Redemptive Transformation in education though these disciplines."
THE MIRACLE CENTER - ARTS INCUBATOR MODEL From the web site: "The Miracle Center (TMC) is a 501 (c)3 faith-based organization dedicated to providing youth from educationally and/or economically disadvantaged communities between the ages of 11 to 22 a socio-emotionally supportive environment for personal growth, creative and academic development. TMC enables young people to learn the social skills, discipline, self-advocacy and character-building tools needed to become successful students, committed family members, and responsible citizens preventing them from engaging in unwanted pregnancy, gang violence, and drugs-use."
TIME IN - NYC ARTS BASED YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM From the web site: "Time In is a groundbreaking arts initiative that brings some of New York’s youngest, most at-risk public school children out of underserved classrooms in Harlem and the South Bronx, and into the world of the living arts every week of the school year as part of their normal school day. Founded in 2006, Time In transforms the lives of inner city children, as it inspires learning and engagement in a nurturing, multi-sensorial learning environment that enriches children’s lives and helps them reach their fullest potential.
URBAN GATEWAYS - BRINGS ARTS TO CHICAGO YOUTH From the web site: "Urban Gateways delivers high-quality, accessible arts experiences to young people in Chicago. From visual arts residencies to live performances and media arts apprenticeships, our programs connect youth with professional artists to encourage self-expression and social change."
YOUNG CHICAGO AUTHORS From the web site: "Since 1991, Young Chicago Authors has been transforming the lives of young people by cultivating their voices through writing, publication, and performance education."
YOUTH COMMUNICATIONS - NEW YORK From the web site: "Youth Communication provides powerful, teen-written stories and professional development to help educators and youth workers engage struggling youth. Our literacy-rich training model helps teachers, after-school workers, counselors, and other professionals to connect with the teens they serve and build their social and emotional learning skills."